Sadly, I find myself disappointed by both Senator Barack Obama and Senator John McCain and their presidential campaigns. But I have a brother who says, “never watch football until the last two minutes.”
So now we are in the “two minute drill,” and today’s Zogby Poll says Obama leads McCain 48% to 44%.
Zogby October 18: Obama 48%; McCain 44%
But many voters have expressed dismay, anger and even rage about this year’s election campaign. “We are being taken for a ride my a pack of lies and a biased media,” one man wrote to us. Others have complained about ACORN, Senator Obama’s friends and acquaintances including terrorist Bill Ayers and the Rev. Wright, McCain’s seemingly inept way of making his points, Sara Palin’s lack of “big city” experience and Joe Biden’s gaffes. Here we will attempt to summarize many of these regrets and concerns and provoke additional thought and discussion….
Preadidential Election 2008: Obama and McCain
The Media
“Doesn’t the media have a responsibility to be unbiased and even handed about politics and politicians?” a voter asked us by email.
The answer is, journalism schools teach and preach honesty, integrity and the importance of unbiased and fair coverage. But the teaching seems to be falling on deaf ears.
“Americans’ perception of the national media as too biased and too liberal have grown significantly over the past two decades. In less than twenty years, since the 1985 Times Mirror polls began routinely assessing the public’s perceptions of the national media, the percentage of Americans who perceive a liberal bias has doubled from 22 percent to 45 percent, nearly half the adult population. Even Democrats now generally regard the press as a liberal entity.”
The above is a news flash from 2008, right? Hardly. That paragraph came from a Media Research Center article entitled “The Liberal Media” written by Rich Noyes on June 30, 2004!
Noyes also wrote in 2004, “the gap between the media and the public has grown considerably. A dozen years later, the same research group — now the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press — found that ‘the American public is more critical of press practices, less enthusiastic about the news product and less appreciative of the watchdog role played by the news media than it was a dozen years ago when The People and The Press surveys were inaugurated.’”
So the so called “liberal media” is not new and is not a figment of your imagination: it is a reality. What we at Peace and Freedom object to most is the seemingly total disregard for any attempt to be fair and unbiased as exemplified by MSNBC, NBC and The New York Times. We noticed that as Senator McCain joked about Chris Matthews and the MSNBC and NBC bias at Thurday’s Alfred E. Smith dinner, NBC’s evening news host Brian Williams looked down into his lap — apparently in shame and avoiding the stares of McCain and the audience. We also noted that when Senator Joe Biden decided to attack Joe the Plumber, the good Senator chose NBC as his medium, appearing to launch the attack on NBC’s “Today Show” and end ing the day on NBC with Jay Leno.
So the “biased and liberal media” is a fact of life and much of what they tell us needs to be taken with a grain of salt or thrown out all together.
Obama’s Acquaintances, Friends, and Race
“Why is it that if anyone mentions Reverend Wright, Bill Ayers, ACORN, Louis Farrakhan and some of the other Obama friends and acquaintances he is attacked as a racist?”
This question came to us early in the campaign and continues to appear not daily but at least once or twice a week.
Remember when Sarah Palin made fun of Obama’s resume line trumpeting his experience as a “community organizer”? Team Obama and their surrogates were all over her. Mrs. Palin obviously didn’t understand the issues of the inner city, race and disenfranchised and under appreciated voters.
But recent revelations about ACORN (The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) seem to indicate that there is some segment of the “community organizer” community that shouldn’t be trusted or respected. In fact, the FBI is investigating ACORN and there may be some significant lawbreaking, theft, fraud and scurrilous behavior among “community organizers.”
ACORN Board of Directors Meet Amid Internal Lawsuit, $1M Embezzlement Caper, Leadership Struggle
ACORN Now Subject of Major FBI Probe
Questioning ACORN and other such organizations isn’t racism: it is something that makes sense and needs to be done, especially since the media has seemingly given ACORN and Mr. Obama a pass….
Senator Obama himself said a Special Prosecutor may be needed to look into ACORN’s activities.
How about Rev. Jeremiah Wright? All we know is that his videotaped sermons looked anti-American, over the top, and inflammatory. He even said “God damn America.” And Senator Obama seemed to be oblivious to these comments, espoused weekly from the church pulpit where he went to “worship” for more than 20 years.
Supporters say that the Rev. Jeremiah Wright is misunderstood.
Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Said “God damn America”
during church sermon. Obama was a member of
the church and contributed money for some 20 years….
On Bill Ayers, a former FBI agent told us (my Dad was in the FBI) that he “wouldn’t shake the hand of an anti-American domestic terrorist like Bill Ayers.” Mr. Obama considers Bill Ayers as a friend.
So, without belaboring the facts of Barack Obama’s friends and acquaintenances, we find a very troubling pattern of people in Barack Obam’s life: and the lack of honest men of principles and integrity we see in Senator McCain’s life. And we know this a matter of opinion so decide for yourself….
Obama & McCain: Who’s Playing the Race Card?
What Kind Of Men Were With John McCain In The Hanoi Hilton? Men of Character….
Chicago, Academics Defend Bill Ayers; Former FBI Agents Outraged
Obama and ACORN: Relationship May Be More Extensive Than Candidate Says
Are the Candidates and Their Surrogates Truthful?
“Strapped to a polygraph on national TV, I would assert quite confidently that I would strongly condemn thuggish and criminal tactics by a candidate I supported. The ends do not justify the means for me and most other conservatives I know. I wish I believed the same were true for liberals, far too many of whom are deliberately turning their backs on the corruption defining Barack Obama’s campaign.”
The above paragraph is from David Limbaugh writing in The Washington Times on October 16, 2008.
See: Voters Can Still Wake Up: Corruption Defining Barack Obama’s Campaign
Clearly, as my email proves, liberals think McCain is a filthy liar and conservatives think the same of Obama. What I look for is a patter. Decide for yourself.
Legislative Record
We do believe that John McCain has an incredible, even a unique record of legislative accomplishment. The McCain Feingold Bill was a partnership with a liberal Democrat aimed at reforming the election donation process.
The Kennedy-McCain Immigration Bill was also a partnership of the conservative McCain with a liberal Democrat, Senator Ted Kennedy.
McCain is a legislative maverick, teaming with Democrats on issues of importance
Mr. Obama’s state legislature record includes many “present” votes, which we see as an indication of a lack of integrity. And as for his U.S. Senate record, he has been running toward the White House most of the time and not doing any lammaking. So please point out one piece of U.S. Senate legislation sponsored by Mr. Obama. And then, please show us one piece of U.S. Senate legislation Senator Obama co-sponsored with a member of the Republican Party…..
John McCain is a rather typical Ronald Reagan Republican on taxes: he believes that lower taxes stimulate growth so much that the loss of tax revenue due to tax cuts is outweighed by new jobs, growth and prosperity.
Senator Obama said to Joe the Plumber that he believes in income redistribution. This again came up in the final presidential debate which earned Joe the Plumber an attack from Team Obama, including Joe Biden’s Today Show and Jay Leno assaults on NBC. So, Team Obama attacked the messenger (the plumber) but has not denied the fact that the Obama tax plan is a socialist class warfare plan….But you decide…..
Plus, given the recent Wall Street and home mortgage disaster, we find it impossible to see how Mr. Obama can come up with the money to do all the things he promises, including tax relief, more money for health care, and additional funding for schools and education. With me, Mr. Obama seems to have missed the fact that the U.S. owes China over one trillion dollars, owes the American people almost as much now due to the Bush bailout, and that the economic crash has greatly reduced planned-for tax revenues. My state and county are tightening their spending belt — but Mr. Obama continues to promise huge federal spending increases and tax breaks. I just do not believe anything he is saying in the economic and financial universe any more. The situation Obama lived in when he created his give-away plan has changed: and what Mister Obama once promised to a people living in a prosperous nation has changed…. Ask any small business owner like my wife or any unemployed workers starting with the American union workers of the automotive work-force.
Foreign Policy
“On the campaign trail, foreign policy appears to have all but disappeared as an issue in this race,” wrote Jonathan Marcus of the BBC this week.
Did anyone hear any of these topics discussed in depth during the final presidential debate? I refer to China, Russia, Georgia, Pakistan, Darfur, Afghanistan, Venezuela, India, Georgia, Ossetia and on and on.
The economic meltdown has just about pushed foreign policy out of the presidential campaign discussion. And this is a grave mistake we as a nation may pay for in the future.
The President of the United States does not have any control lever to the economy under his desk, as far as we know, but he does have great singular influence and say over foreign policy.
Mr. McCain’s support for the “surge” in Iraq turned into a major success. But instead of claiming credit for this foreign policy and military success, Mr. McCain seems to have become a victim of his own success. Mister Foreign Policy experience has fallen into an Obama trap: lets talk solely about our domestic economy.
All I remember about Senator Obama’s foreign policy platform are some ill advised remarks like that he would meet with President Ahmadinejad of Iran without preconditions. Mr. Ahmadinejad, last I checked, is making a nuclear bomb and is on the record for saying he wanted to “wipe Israel from the map.”
But, because the economic mess is on everyone’s mind and Mr. Obama is promising to make us all rich, I suppose we don’t need to care about such people as Hugo Chavez, Vladimir Putin, Hu Jintao, President Ahmadinejad and other interesting folks on the world stage….But you decide….
Iran’s Ahmadinejad Continues to Gloat About End of Godless America, Capitalism
Pakistan’s Zardari Asks China for Aid
How Foreign Policy Fell Off The U.S. Election Radar
Campaign Financing
Here again we think Mr. McCain fell victim to what Muhammad Ali called the “rope a dope” tactics of a thoughtful, though often underhanded, campaign team.
McCain loves campaign finance reform partly because he wrote the McCain Feingold Campaign Reform Bill with his liberal Democrat friend Senator Feingold. Obama once said he’d stick with the restrictions of McCain-Feingold since Mr. McCain promised to stand with the restrictions but then Mr. Obama, at the last minute, changed his mind — at the deadline and after Mr. McCain vowed to stick by the restrictions.
Now, we as a nation, are witnessing an almost limitless pile of cash owned by Mr. Obama attacking a pauper in the advertising realm: Mr. McCain. This is great if you love Obama but it is not good for truth, honesty and America in our view. All this money pollutes the environment with a one-sided advertising campaign which was already jeapordized by a biased, liberal media…..
But …you decide.
Vice Presidential Nominees
Was Sarah Palin really the best choice for a John McCain running mate? Probably not. She is a woman with executive experience. But she is no Mitt Romney, who also has a wealth of executive experience and as a business executive, understands how to “create” wealth.
And Joe Biden? Apparently he was chosen by Mr. Obama for his foreign policy experience. But in the Senate he is known as a gaffe prone, long-winded buffoon.
Joe Biden, Because He Has No Integrity, Demeans Himself By Attacking Joe the Plumber
What I recall most is this: Obama is for wind. McCain is for nuclear.
It is more complex than that but not a lot. McCain wants to drill more and his campaign events along with those of Governor palin frequently feature the chant, “Drill, Baby, Drill.” Obama warmed up to the idea of additional drilling only late in the game.
Mr. McCain mentioned at the last presidential debate that we need more nuclear power plants in the United States. He said the U.S. Navy has been the master of nuclear power for more than 50 years.
The United States is lagging far behind many nations, including Britain and France, in clean nuclear electricity generation. Russia is assisting Iran with a nuclear plant. Just today, China announced that it will assist Pakistan with the construction of two nuclear sites. The U.S. even recently made an agreement to assist India with nuclear power. Yet our own domestic nuclear industry is not building new nuclear plants with any regularity or verve.
I can’t recall Mr. Obama ever saying “nuclear.”
I think Mr. McCain is on the right track on energy — but I appreciate Mr. Obama’s commitment to clean power too.
TaskForce One.jpg
Above: This photo, taken 1964, shows three of the U.S. Navy’s early nuclear powered surface combatants. Today, all U.S. Navy aircraft carriers and submarines are nuclear powered.
I feel like I know John McCain’s character, but I live with an immigrant wife who suffered similar torture and hardship. McCain survived a very difficult time of prison and torture with distinction. He’s been tested. I like people who have been tested.
I do not know that Barack Obama has been tested. He is a great talker but not a great “doer.” A man of spoken great convictions, to me Barack Obama’s life is a mixture of avoidance, association with the wrong people and the avoidance of taking stands. Barack Obama reminds me of the “Artful Dodger” from the in the Charles Dickens novel Oliver Twist.
New York Times writer Jodi Kantor researched the Obama record at the University of Chicago Law School. On July 30, 2008, Jodi’s story appeared with the following included:
“I don’t think anything that went on in these chambers affected him,” said Richard Epstein, a libertarian colleague who says he longed for Mr. Obama to venture beyond his ideological and topical comfort zones. “His entire life, as best I can tell, is one in which he’s always been a thoughtful listener and questioner, but he’s never stepped up to the plate and taken full swings.”
I prefer, especially in the White House, men that take full swings.
In short and in closing, we consider this a very troubling election campaign that Senator Obama, for good or bad, will likely win. And it seems as if the Senate and the House of Representatives will see an increased number of Democratic legislators. A predominantly Democratic House, Senate and a White House occupied by a Democrat at the same time is not good for Americans in our view, but we trust the American voter…..
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This entry was posted on October 18, 2008 at 12:39 pm and is filed under "Today Show", Afghaniistan, Afghanistan, Ahmadinejad, Alfred E. Smith, Ayers, Baghdad, Barack Obama, Biden, Brian Williams, Chavez, Chris Matthews, Darfur, Georgia, Hu Jintao, India, Iraq, Israel, Jay Leno, Joe the Plumber, John McCain, McCain, Medvedev, NATO, NBC, New York Times, Obama, Ossetia, Pakistan, Palin, Russia, Tehran, U.N., Venezuela, Wright, china, drill, drilling, liberal, media, news, nuclear, oil, politics, putin, tax, taxes, zogby. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
One Response to “Why Obama Worries About Half the Electorate”
1. Debbie Says:
October 18, 2008 at 5:41 pm
Amazing compilation of information and facts. I still think McCain has a chance. People, average people, are working frantically to get the word out and share information that McCain will not.
Last Call!
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protect the individual from the tyranny of the state. Our constitution was
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