GOOD NEWS TO REPORT FROM Our Country Deserves Better Committee !!
We have so much news to report to you, including a surge of press coverage for our efforts at the Our Country Deserves Better Committee to defeat the Obama/Biden ticket and supoprt the McCain/Palin campaign.
A rundown on the press we've received follows, and we need to reinforce the "free" press coverage we get with aggressive TV advertising in the targeted swing states. Our ads are running in Nevada now and will begin in Colorado and then Michigan this week. We're hoping to raise an additional $200,000 this week to pour into expanded TV ad buys. Please help with a contribution - any amount of $5 to the maximum allowed $5,000 will assist our advertising effort. DONATE ONLINE - HERE.
Fox News Channel has contacted us and expressed an interest in covering our "Save Michigan" campaign and reporting on our upcoming rallies in Michigan. We'll pass on more information as it becomes available to us.
MSNBC contacted us today, in response to a press release we sent out to the national media about our "Stop Obama Tour." They will have our Chairman of the Our Country Deserves Better Committee, on their network LIVE around 9:00 AM Eastern (6:00 AM Pacific) Tuesday morning.
National Public Radio reported today on our effort to win Michigan for the McCain/Palin campaign, as well as our efforts in Colorado and Nevada. You can read their report, "PACs to the Rescue in Michigan" - HERE.
The Sacramento Union newspaper has published an outstanding piece on our soon-to-be-launched "Stop Obama Tour." This is a must read, which you can see online - HERE.
The Southern Illinois University newspaper has a fantastic report on an event local supporters of the Our Country Deserves Better PAC held. The article is titled, "Palin Draws Southern Illinois Support" and can be read online - HERE.
The liberal group, Media Transparency, ran a surprisingly fair report on the Our Country Deserves Better Committee as part of an interview they did with our PAC Coordinator, Joe Wierzbicki. Be sure to read the report, "PAC MAN" - here.
Help us continue the momentum we're building and get the word out through our TV ad campaigns, our upcoming 35 rallies with the "Stop Obama Tour" and the "free" media coverage we're receiving. Make a donation of between $5 and $5,000 to the Our Country Deserves Better Committee:
Last Call!
Author Stanley Zir Introduction Our nation was born out a resolve to
protect the individual from the tyranny of the state. Our constitution was
written to ...
9 years ago
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