Please pray for discernment, for mind and heart of the people in church small groups to be open to the Truth of Christ to set them free. This teaching is from the pit of hell and can rip our church wide open to the enemy. It could easily become known as the cult church of the area if we are not warring for deliverance, for repentance and for holiness of His Cross to come save us.
We have to raise the standards for small groups way high, make sure people are approved by their life style and what they believe for a good season before they are allowed to teach us! The heart of each teaching needs to be discovered. There needs to be a solid application for the gate keepers of our church to be able to discern that the people who want to teach this demonic stuff, that brings people to hell and will be the cause of great falling away in these end times, will show leadership if they are qualified by the standards of His Holy word to teach and train our congregations. They will be held accountable by Christ at judgment as the gatekeepers.
Pray for protection of our church! People are desperate and will believe anything and turn and twist scripture to meet their standards for prosperity. He will prosper us as our soul prospers. We have lots of repenting and getting to the root of our evil before that happens.
See this from Albert Mohler's blog link on title...
False teachings emerge anew in every generation it seems, but inventing a new heresy is quite a challenge. After all, once every doctrine vital to Christianity has been denied, all that remains is a change in packaging.
That is what we see in the case of The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, the nation's best-selling book. Millions of Americans are buying, reading, or talking about a book that repackages ancient paganism in the guise of positive thinking and mental energy. There is nothing here that is genuinely new (Byrne openly admits finding the "Law of Attraction" in a nineteenth century book). But, as the sales of The Secret now prove, a heresy does not have to be new to be attractive.
Americans have long been especially attracted to ideas associated with "New Thought," a movement centered in positive thinking and mental power. The New Thought promoters have promised health, wealth, success, comfort, popularity, and much more through the exercise of positive thoughts and mental focus.
Interestingly, published in USA Today a report on the historical background to The Secret in the March 29, 2007 edition. As reporter Marco R. della Cava explained, the movement has deep roots and many contemporary representations.
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