Wednesday, October 1, 2008

John Fund, Debbie Hamilton and important notes

We heard John Fund on the radio on Mark Levins show. He was extremely articulate on exactly what happened to he paniced when he saw the banks freeze on Wed Sept. 22, went to Pelosi to tell her something had to be done. She said in the morning they would look into it....he told her "NOW". She gathered her group of Dem's. The rest is history.

We need to pay attention to this man, who has an important book.
"Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy". He abruptly left the Levin show which totally threw the guest host. Forget his name, who was very shocked. My husband and I thought it was funny. Way to go! Guest host insisted that Levin's show is #3...and kidded how rare anyone never just excused themselves so abruptly before the end of the segment! But the show is hardly #3 but way down there according to Talkers Mag with only 5 mil listeners. Compare that with Rush's 14.5 mil. We listed because it was a fairly nice voice with conservative views. Not sure if Levine is the one with the really irritating voice. I do not like whinny Shaun's voice. Rush is perfect. HE is on loan from God however. So what would you expect. Rush just rants on subjects way too long. Gets boring. My husband down loads him to our iriver so we can move it along if Rush on gets stuck. by Debbie Hamilton. is very hip and loved her observation of other talking about Pelosi throwing the vote so McCain would look bad with the bail out failing because of her ranting. Is Pelosi that smart really? Rush, Fund, and others observe she was stupid to throw she planned the whole thing? Naw...but it does get you thinking...They make one so sick in heart of what they have done to this country and what they are doing and what will happen if they win again. Everytime... Bush has not done enough or yelled loud enough. Time for some fist flying.. Did he really try to do something about Mac and Mae long ago?

I tripped on her blog through Homeland Security site.

Here is what Debbie says...(I am glad to discover her tonight and will keep up with her blog from now I like her recap. Thank you for the discalimer that I am borrowing. I have never not know the rules yet about borrowing, but see that most do it. KSP)

Washington Terrorizes Americans, Again

For terrorists, any time is a good time to attack Western nations. We are being told that now is an especially appealing time for an attack on the United States, while we are perceived to be 'down'. Like the financial problems with organizations like Fannie and Freddie, where warning signs and pleas to take precautions to fix the problem before it exploded went unheeded -- Brigitte Gabriel, an expert on terrorism, is warning that for Americans not to pay attention to the threat [of impending terrorist attacks] – and act now – the future will include a price tag no one wants to pay.

I have not heard about threats if some form of bail out bill is not passed, but we are hearing about race riots if Barack Obama does not win the election -- and even if he does.

A political scientist at a Christian college in New York City warns that if Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama loses the election on November 4, race riots could break out in large U.S. cities.

Regardless of who wins in November, McCain or Obama, there is NO reason for violence, but I can tell you this, there is already word on the street, and the police are very aware of it too, IF Obama wins there are certain elements of the black community, the *ghetto boys* or the wannabe *gangsters* that are already making it known that when their brother Obama gets elected they are taking no more sh*t off of any cracker-assed white f*cking police. (more at Texas Fred)

Some are warning that a Socialist ‘Bailout’ Could Spark a Collapse. Two schools of thought, (1) Do something big to save the economy; (2) Do nothing and let the market adjust and chips fall where they may. However, everything is political these days, like Nancy Pelosi intentionally throwing the vote on the $700 billion bailout to get Barack Obama elected.
"The cynics are saying Ms. Pelosi deliberately tanked the bill by giving 95 Democrats a pass, knowing failure would hurt John McCain, and given her track record we can see why people would believe it." (Wall Street Journal)

It's true, Democrats love poorly informed voters in need! Many voters on both sides are uninformed about the financial situation. Many who are so upset are those dependent upon the government. They are being fed lies about what got us here. The truth is President Bush tried unsuccessfully, years ago, to get Congress to create some regulatory agency to oversee Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Alan Greenspan, then head of the Federal Reserve System, made the same point in testifying before Congress in February 2004. He said: "The Federal Reserve is concerned" that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were using this implicit reliance on a government bailout in a crisis to take more risks, in order to "multiply the profitability of subsidized debt. [snip]

If Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were free market institutions they could not have gotten away with their risky financial practices because no one would have bought their securities without the implicit assumption that the politicians would bail them out. (--Thomas Sowell)

This bail out -- excuse me recovery -- bill is now being pushed at America people as not a bailout for Wall Street, not a bailout for poorly run government agencies that were used as slush funds for politicians, ... but as aide for main street. The argument is that the bill is good, but the selling of the bill was not done properly. The bill will be pushed down our throats one way or another, we need to shut up, open our mouths and swallow. Unfortunately the bill will probably be passed.

I think the American people are being terrorized by Washington, throwing the "crisis" bomb at us once again. Politicians say: "It's a crisis, we MUST do something (even if it's wrong), we have to fix this (even though we caused it", it's for your own good Americans (and our own good so we can continue robbing you blind in the future)"....

A few interesting tidbits:
* "The House is limiting e-mails from the public to prevent its websites from crashing due to the enormous amount of mail being submitted on the financial bailout bill," reported The Hill today. Any bets on whether or not the vast majority of those emails are for or against the bailout?

* Hey, here's an idea: If Congress wants to spend $700 billion for a Wall Street bailout, why don't they offset that with $700 billion of spending cuts somewhere else? I suggest we start with the elimination of the federal Department of Education and work our way down the list. Who's with me? (Chuck

PBS VP debate moderator Gwen Ifill is in the tank for Barack Obama, publishing a book praising him and his politics. How unbiased can she and her questions be in the debate? The title of Ifill's book? "The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama."

Karl Rove reacts to the no vote in Congress yesterday - video.

... Conservative Republican members of the House of Representatives have offered a "free-market alternative" to the $700 billion plan to bail out the mortgage industry...

Other reading:

A Wise Warning from Europe about America’s Future

al-Qaeda's Thermobaric Bombs - al Qaeda’s New Weapon of Terror

Terror Suspects Pictures Reportedly Discovered On Camera Sold On Ebay, UK Press

Gasoline Shortages: Our Inventory Problem, The Oil Drum

As Pakistani investigators hunt the terrorists behind the massive Marriott Hotel bombing in Islamabad, FBI agents in the U.S. have begun aggressively hunting for Americans who have recently returned from trips to Pakistan where they may have trained at al-Qaida camps, (WND)


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